Name | Description |
ByteString | Encapsulation for Byte Array |
ECPoint | Represents a (X,Y) coordinate pair for elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) structures |
ExecutionEngine | Represents the VM used to execute the script |
List | Similar to List in .net |
Map | Similar to Dictionary in .net |
Nep11Token | Abstraction class for NFT asset |
Nep17Token | Abstraction class for digital asset |
UInt160 | UInt160 |
UInt256 | UInt256 |
Extension method
Name | Description |
ToByteString | - Converts byte to byte[] considering the byte as a BigInteger (0x00 at the end). - Converts sbyte to byte[]. - Converts string to byte[]. Examples: "hello" -> [0x68656c6c6f]; "" -> []; "Neo" -> [0x4e656f] - Converts byte[] to string. Examples: [0x68656c6c6f] -> "hello"; [] -> ""; [0x4e656f] -> "Neo" |
Within | Returns true if a <= x && x < b. Examples: x=5 a=5 b=15 is true; x=15 a=5 b=15 is false |
Concat | Concatenates two byte arrays |
Range | Copies the subarray, starting from the specified position and having the specified length |
Take | Returns a specified number of contiguous elements from the start of a sequence |
Last | Returns a specified number of contiguous elements from the last of a sequence |
Reverse | Reverses the order of the elements |
Sqrt | Calculates the square root |
Name | Description |
ContractParameterType | Represents the parameter type of contract |
OpCode | Underlying types, which developers can ignore |
StackItemType | Underlying types, which developers can ignore |