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Last modified: 2023-06-14


Sets the administrator for a second-level domain. Owners and administrators control the domains and subdomains. A second-level domain owner can specify an administrator to manage domains. Invoking this API emits the setAdmin event.

This API requires both the owner and administrator's signatures. If the admin is not specified, the admin record will be cleaned. If the domain has expired, it's not allowed to set admin.


nameStringThe second-level domain, e.g. "test.neo"Required
adminAddressThe administrator that the owner specifiesRequired


Example #1 Set the admin record

Request body #1

curl --request POST \
  --url \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "invokefunction",
  "params": [ "0x538355b776538a5da0b2a08c139b9900b9c0cbb6", "setAdmin",
        "account": "NV1butKWMZSpWhBGU7PyP5Qe81Wq3zDkHP",
        "scopes": "CalledByEntry"
        "account": "NZgG83sFer1ciTy2LCjft4A4fiDuWg4XaB",
        "scopes": "CalledByEntry"
  "id": 1

Response body #1

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "id": 1,
    "result": {
        "script": "DBSW+hM3E+5uIkyJ8BorOJ3hXHa3xgwOZmxhbWluY29tZS5uZW8SwB8MCHNldEFkbWluDBS2y8C5AJmbE4ygsqBdilN2t1WDU0FifVtS",
        "state": "HALT",
        "gasconsumed": "1348018",
        "exception": null,
        "stack": [
                "type": "Any"
Example #2 Clear the admin record

Request body #2

curl --request POST \
  --url \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "invokefunction",
  "params": [ "0x538355b776538a5da0b2a08c139b9900b9c0cbb6", "setAdmin",
        "account": "NV1butKWMZSpWhBGU7PyP5Qe81Wq3zDkHP",
        "scopes": "CalledByEntry"
              "account": "NZgG83sFer1ciTy2LCjft4A4fiDuWg4XaB",
        "scopes": "CalledByEntry"
  "id": 1

Response body #2

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "id": 1,
    "result": {
        "script": "CwwOZmxhbWluY29tZS5uZW8SwB8MCHNldEFkbWluDBS2y8C5AJmbE4ygsqBdilN2t1WDU0FifVtS",
        "state": "HALT",
        "gasconsumed": "1159492",
        "exception": null,
        "stack": [
                "type": "Any"
Example #3 Set admin for expired domain

Request body #3

curl --request POST \
  --url \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "invokefunction",
  "params": [ "0x538355b776538a5da0b2a08c139b9900b9c0cbb6", "setAdmin",
        "account": "NV1butKWMZSpWhBGU7PyP5Qe81Wq3zDkHP",
        "scopes": "CalledByEntry"
              "account": "NZgG83sFer1ciTy2LCjft4A4fiDuWg4XaB",
        "scopes": "CalledByEntry"
  "id": 1

Response body #3

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "id": 1,
    "result": {
        "script": "DBSW+hM3E+5uIkyJ8BorOJ3hXHa3xgwLZXhwaXJlZC5uZW8SwB8MCHNldEFkbWluDBS2y8C5AJmbE4ygsqBdilN2t1WDU0FifVtS",
        "state": "FAULT",
        "gasconsumed": "593841",
        "exception": "An unhandled exception was thrown. The name has expired.",
        "stack": []