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Last modified: 2024-09-14

Ledger.GetTransactionFromBlock Method

Gets the specified transaction by the block index (or block hash) and transaction index.

Namespace: Neo.SmartContract.Framework.Native

Assembly: Neo.SmartContract.Framework


public static extern Transaction GetTransactionFromBlock(UInt256 blockHash, int txIndex);
public static extern Transaction GetTransactionFromBlock(uint blockHeight, int txIndex);


  • blockHash: the hash of the specified block

  • blockHeight: the index of the specified block (block height)

  • txIndex: transaction index. The transaction index starts from 0 and increases sequentially.


public class Contract1 : SmartContract.Framework.SmartContract
    public static void GetFirstTransaction(uint block)
        var tx = Ledger.GetTransactionFromBlock(block, 0);
    public static void GetFirstTransaction(UInt256 block)
        var tx = Ledger.GetTransactionFromBlock(block, 0);
