CallFlags Enumerator
Defines special behaviors allowed when invoking smart contracts, such as chain calls, sending notifications, modifying states, etc.
Namespace: Neo.SmartContract.Framework.Services
Assembly: Neo.SmartContract.Framework
Parameters description
None: Special behaviors of the invoked contract are not allowed, such as chain calls, sending notifications, modifying state, etc.
AllowModifyStates: Allows the invoked contract to modify status.
AllowCall: Allows the invoked contract to do chain calls.
AllowNotify: Allows the invoked contract to send notifications.
ReadOnly: Allows the invoked contract to do chain calls and send notifications.
All: All behaviors of the invoked contract are allowed.
CallFlags is used in the method Call(UInt160, string, CallFlags, params object[]) .
You can also get CallFlags of native contract by GetCallFlags() .