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Last modified: 2024-09-23

traverseiterator Method

Gets the Iterator value from session and Iterator id returned by invokefunction or invokescript .

  • This method queries Iterator type data and does not affect the blockchain data.

  • You must install the plugin RpcServer before you can invoke the method.

  • Before you can use the method, make sure that the SessionEnabled value in config.json of the plugin RpcServer is true , and you have obtained Iterator id and session by invoking invokefunction or invokescript .


  • session: Cache id. It is session returned by invokefunction or invokescript .

  • iterator id: Iterator data id. It is the id of stack returned by invokefunction or invokescript .

  • count: The number of values returned. It cannot exceed the value of the MaxIteratorResultItems field in config.json of the RpcServer plug-in.

The validity of the session and iterator id is set by SessionExpirationTime in the config.json file of the RpcServer plug-in, in seconds.


  • -107, Unknown session.

  • -108, Unknown iterator.

  • -601, State iterator sessions disabled.


Request body:

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "method": "traverseiterator",
  "params": [

Response body:

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "id": 1,
    "result": [
            "type": "ByteString",
            "value": "AAUPmAOGDBtFrjhmByyKoaxgy9LvzyEh8qUiEU1gxTE="
            "type": "ByteString",
            "value": "ABX1SHTkVThVWpKlyFr3OO8swQXWfnRuqw99TTvi2UU="
            "type": "ByteString",
            "value": "ACj/5pqjP2Mko/2c0GSUKxkJlIyC3cwUbgETEZ5+5YI="
            "type": "ByteString",
            "value": "AF16dMuw8CAZBr/sgdJnW8XWrDDDxifHsa8myh+zsD0="
            "type": "ByteString",
            "value": "AF9luS6mW+nVUNwwlkKqqRLjgoXaIlk98NuhzLTZ2sI="
            "type": "ByteString",
            "value": "AHg1cOvi+r1ORjQcs9VD5bpBDCFtpzp/G4g0BMfsneo="
            "type": "ByteString",
            "value": "AM9ZDm7y7R4M5AicSk06sRv+AEmRPToxjoiHo5aeCfo="
            "type": "ByteString",
            "value": "AOqjq4sfaUcMBtXWVHKh6HqXZA3bOSiNc1VjIEi1auY="
            "type": "ByteString",
            "value": "AOsx7QOiuKZCB2bFBR1s/SjJnfvdbyVvC5ZvaTCFe2U="
            "type": "ByteString",
            "value": "APHR02jt/M9nkLF9z+5yRnRE8efjVhMvjIjDHAQeGV0="

Response Description:

The result is the first count of data traversed in the Iterator, and follow-up requests will continue traversing from count + 1 .