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Last modified: 2024-09-14

NEO.UnRegisterCandidate Method

Unregisters as a candidate.

Namespace: Neo.SmartContract.Framework.Native

Assembly: Neo.SmartContract.Framework

Unregistering candidate requires the candidate's signature. It means candidate unregistering is only self-determined.


public static extern bool UnRegisterCandidate(ECPoint pubkey);


  • pubkey: the public key of the account to be unregistered.


public class Contract1 : SmartContract.Framework.SmartContract
    private static readonly byte[] pubkey = "02e8ff17c567d62f274fe247cc884a2a6cd3b8fd0d779a8c5856289a560accacb4".HexToBytes();

    public static object Test()
        bool result = NEO.UnRegisterCandidate((ECPoint)pubkey);
        return result;

Response body:


Response description:

  • true: The candidate is successfully unregistered.

  • Others: failed.
