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Last modified: 2024-08-12

Configuring and Starting Neo-CLI

After installation of Neo-CLI, this section we will walk you through the necessary configurations before running Neo-CLI and the steps to start Neo-CLI using commands.

Modifying configuration files

Neo-CLI accesses the configuration file config.json during execution. You need to make necessary configurations in the file before starting Neo-CLI.

Configuring a wallet

To make Neo-CLI automatically open a wallet when running, you can configure the wallet in config.json beforehand, as follows:

  • Path : the wallet path

  • Password : the wallet password. Note that the password configured here is displayed in plaintext!

  • IsActive : Set to true to allow Neo-CLI to open the wallet automatically.

Here is an example:

  "ApplicationConfiguration": {
    "Logger": {
      "Path": "Logs",
      "ConsoleOutput": false,
      "Active": false
    "Storage": {
      "Engine": "LevelDBStore",
      "Path": "Data_LevelDB_{0}"
    "P2P": {
      "Port": 10333,
      "WsPort": 10334
    "UnlockWallet": {
      "Path": "wallet.json",
      "Password": "1",
      "IsActive": true
    "PluginURL": "{1}/{0}.zip"
  "ProtocolConfiguration": {
    "Network": 860833102,
    "AddressVersion": 53,
    "MillisecondsPerBlock": 15000,
    "MaxTransactionsPerBlock": 512,
    "MemoryPoolMaxTransactions": 50000,
    "MaxTraceableBlocks": 2102400,
    "InitialGasDistribution": 5200000000000000,
    "ValidatorsCount": 7,
    "StandbyCommittee": [
    "SeedList": [


  • ConsoleOutput : Whether to print log information on console. true means foreground and background printing, while false means background logging.

  • Active : Whether to enable Log

  • Engine : It defaults to LevelDBStore, which means the engine used by the blockchain to store data.

  • PluginURL : The downloading URL of the plugin, which will be used when using the CLI install command.

Connecting the node to network

Neo-CLI connects to N3 main net by default. To connect the node to test net, replace the content of config.json with the content of config.testnet.json .

To connect the node to your private net, refer to Setting up Private Chain .

Installing plugins

Some additional functionalities are individually encapsulated in plug-ins for the purpose of improving node security, stability, and flexibility. The user can select the desired extension functionality instead of invoking it with additional parameters every time starting neo-cli, thus avoiding many human errors and some tedious instructions such as opening a wallet and calling APIs.

The following table lists all the plugins:

PluginDescriptionAPI Included
ApplicationLogsSynchronizes the smart contract log with the NativeContract log (Notify) getapplicationlog Recommended
DBFTPlugindBFT consensus pluginMandatory when served as a consensus node
LevelDBStoreUses LevelDB to store the blockchain dataMandatory
MPTTrieUses LevelDB to store the MPT dataMandatory when served as a StateRoot consensus node
OracleServiceOracle service pluginMandatory when served as an Oracle node
RocksDBStoreUses RocksDBStore to store the blockchain dataAn alternative to LevelDBStore
RpcServerEnables RPC for the node RPC API Mandatory
SQLiteWalletA SQLite-based wallet provider that supports wallet files with .db3 suffixOptional
StatesDumperExports Neo-CLI status data.Optional
StateServiceStateRoot consensus service plugin getstateroot getproof verifyproof getstateheight Mandatory when served as a StateRoot consensus node
TokensTrackerEnquiries NEP-11 and NEP-17 assets balance and transactions history of accounts through RPC getnep11balances getnep11properties getnep11transfers getnep17balances getnep17transfers Recommended

You can choose one of the following ways to install plugins:

  • (Recommended) Use the CLI command install/uninstall to install or uninstall plugins automatically.

    For example:

    neo> install StatesDumper 
    Downloading from 
    Install successful, please restart neo-cli. 
    neo> uninstall StatesDumper 
    Uninstall successful, please restart neo-cli. 

    After installation, restart Neo-CLI for the plugin to take effect.

  • Download the plugin package from GitHub

    Download the latest version plugin you need from here and then unzip the package under the neo-cli root directory.

Starting the NEO node

Open the command line, navigate to the Neo-CLI directory, and enter the following command to start the Neo node:

On Windows 10 :

dotnet neo-cli.dll



On Linux (ubuntu 16.04/18.04) :



dotnet neo-cli.dll

If you use dotnet install .net core in advance.

If you want the external program to access the node API need to open the firewall port: 10331-10334, 20331-20334

If you open the API service and the wallet in Neo-CLI, you need to set up your firewall policy. For example, set a whitelist for the firewall to only allow access to these ports by whitelisted IP addresses. If completely opening the service to external network, others may be able to export the private key or transfer assets using API.