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Blockchain.GetHeader Method (byte[])

Returns a block header given a block hash.

Namespace: Neo.SmartContract.Framework.Services.Neo

Assembly: Neo.SmartContract.Framework


public static extern Neo.SmartContract.Framework.Services.Neo.Header GetHeader(byte[] hash)

Parameters: Block Hash as a byte array of length 32.

Return Value: Header .


public class Contract1: SmartContract
     public static void Main()
         byte[] Header = new byte[] {206, 240, 165, 25, 76, 228, 58, 100, 117, 184, 213, 171, 61, 96, 34, 234, 129, 116, 60, 71, 11, 231, 143, 195, 123, 5, 190, 250, 182, 14, 152};
         Header bl = Blockchain.GetHeader(Header);
