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Local Blockchain

You can choose to use a local network for development purposes. To do this, we recommend you to check NEO-Local .

This is used for development purposes only, neo components used in these docker images may not be the latest available. Always test your smart-contract using the Testnet.

Docker Required

This projects uses Docker and Docker-compose. It works on MacOS, Linux and Windows machines. Fore more information related to Docker, check their official website .

Neo-local content

NEO-local will start several containers, being:

  • 4 consensus nodes

  • A fully working network;

  • Block explorer (Neoscan);

  • Notification server (Neo-python);

  • Development tools (Neo-python);

  • A wallet with GAS;

  • Developer faucet (to obtain extra GAS);

Simple setup

Having docker and docker-compose installed:

  1. Clone the repository:

  2. From terminal or powershell change to the newly cloned directory on your machine: `cd ./neo-local `.

  3. Run `docker-compose up `.

  4. After the setup is done, check if everything is running by accessing http://localhost:4000 using your browser.

Please check Neo-local wiki for more information.