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Blockchain.GetAccount Method (byte[])

Returns an account (address) based on the hash of the contract scripthash.

Namespace: Neo.SmartContract.Framework.Services.Neo

Assembly: Neo.SmartContract.Framework


public static extern Neo.SmartContract.Framework.Services.Neo.Account GetAccount(byte[] script_hash)

Parameters: Scripthash as a byte array of length 20.

Return Value: Account .


public class Contract1: SmartContract
    public static void Main()
        byte[] scriptHash = {36, 23, 241, 177, 228, 54, 109, 223, 27, 237, 139, 54, 207, 38, 132, 101, 172, 3, 10, 73};
        Account acc = Blockchain.GetAccount(scriptHash);

The scripthash can be obtained in advanced and passed as a parameter into smart contracts. The following code uses the SDK to convert an address into scripthash.

Static void Main(string[] args)
    byte[] scriptHash = Neo.Wallets.Wallet.ToScriptHash("AK4if54jXjSiJBs6jkfZjxAastauJtjjse").ToArray();
