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Transaction Types

There are several different types of transactions on Neo, each with a different purpose and different properties. Some previously used transaction types are now deprecated or removed from the network, so these should not be used when creating new transactions on the MainNet.

ByteNameStatusTransaction feeDescription
0x00 MinerTransaction Active 0 First transaction in a block to distribute network fees
0x01 IssueTransaction Deprecated 500 Issue assets from a registered native asset
0x02 ClaimTransaction Active 0 Claim GAS from unclaimed transaction outputs
0x20 EnrollmentTransaction Deprecated 1000 Enroll a new consensus node candidate
0x24 VotingTransaction Removed 0 Vote for consensus node candidates
0x40 RegisterTransaction Deprecated 10000 Register a new native asset on the blockchain
0x80 ContractTransaction Active 0 Common transaction to transfer assets
0x90 StateTransaction Active 0 Voting and registering for a consensus node candidate
0xb0 AgencyTransaction Removed 0 Place orders on the blockchain
0xd0 PublishTransaction Deprecated 500 Publish a smart contract to the blockchain
0xd1 InvocationTransaction Active 0 Invoke a smart contract on the blockchain


The first transaction in a block. It is generated by the active consensus node for a given consensus round, and will collect and distribute all the network fees in that block.

Additional attributes for a MinerTransaction:

nonce uint32Random number to make the transaction hash unique







Claim GAS from unclaimed transaction outputs

Additional attributes for a ClaimTransaction:

claims arrayReferences to spent outputs in previous transactions


A claim is a reference to a spent output (only for the Neo asset) in a previous transaction. Each transaction can have up to 65536 claim references. Each claim reference in the array of claims has a set of required attributes.

txid uint256The transaction hash of the referenced output
vout uint16The index of the outputs array to use as input

Once an output from a previous transaction is used as a claim reference, it will be considered claimed and cannot be used anymore in any future claims. The amount of GAS that can be claimed will be calculated by the total GAS distribution in all blocks while the referenced Neo asset was in the respective contract address.






Common transaction to transfer assets. The ContractTransaction is used to send NEO or GAS to another contract address.

Additional attributes for a ContractTransaction:

There are no additional attributes required.




Voting and registering for a consensus node candidate.

Additional attributes for a StateTransaction:

descriptors arrayState descriptor list


A descriptor contains voting information. It can be used to apply as a consensus node or to vote for a consensus node candidate.

type uint8State descriptor type
key byteContract script hash or public key
field stringState field to update
value byteUpdated value for the state field


The state descriptor type can be either 0x40 for Account or 0x48 for Validator . If this type is set to account, then the descriptor can be used to update votes. If this type is set to validator, then it is used to update the registration state as a consensus node candidate.


The key is either the 20 byte script hash of the voting contract if Type is Account , or the 33 byte public key of the validator if Type is Validator .


The state field to update. This is either Registered to set validator request or Votes to set account votes.


Updated value for the state field. If a validator wants to register to be a consensus node candidate then he can set the Registered field to the value True or cancel a registration by setting Registered to False . If an account wants to vote for consensus nodes he can set an array of public keys to vote for.







Invoke or deploy a smart contract on the blockchain.

Additional attributes for a InvocationTransaction:

script byteScript to be executed by the virtual machine


The script is the AVM bytecode to be executed. This can be a stand-alone script, an invocation of an already deployed smart contract using the AppCall opcode, or the deployment of a new smart contract through the use of the Neo.Contract.Create instruction.




Registering assets (deprecated)

Neo supports the registration of native (UTXO) assets on the blockchain with the RegisterTransaction and IssueTransaction transaction types. NEO and GAS are both examples of these native assets. For digital asset registration it is more common now to use a (NEP-5 compatible) smart contract. Using a smart contract is more scalable and flexible than using native assets. The new token smart contract may be deployed to the blockchain with an InvocationTransaction .