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Contract.Create Method (byte[], byte[], byte, bool, string, string, string, string, string)

Calling this method in a smart contract will publish a new contract.

This is a replacement for PublishTransaction in version 2.0.

Namespace: Neo.SmartContract.Framework.Services.Neo

Assembly: Neo.SmartContract.Framework


public static extern Neo.SmartContract.Framework.Services.Neo.Contract CreateContract(byte[] script, byte[] parameter_list, byte return_type, bool need_storage, string name, string version, string author, string email, string description)


  • script: The contract bytecode as a byte array.

  • parameter_list: Parameter list as a byte array. Refer to Smart Contract Parameters and Return Values .

  • return_type: Return type as a byte. Refer to Smart Contract Parameters and Return Values .

  • need_storage: If the contract requires a persistent store, boolean.

  • name: The name of the contract as a string.

  • version: The version as a string.

  • author: The author name as a string.

  • email: The author email as a string.

  • description: The description of the contract as a string.

  • Return value: Contract .


public class Contract1 : SmartContract
    public static void Main()
        //This is the new contract as bytecode
        byte[] script = new byte[] { 116, 107, 0, 97, 116, 0, 147, 108, 118, 107, 148, 121, 116, 81, 147, 108, 118, 107, 148, 121, 147, 116, 0, 148, 140, 108, 118, 107, 148, 114, 117, 98, 3, 0, 116, 0, 148, 140, 108, 118, 107, 148, 121, 97, 116, 140, 108, 118, 107, 148, 109, 116, 108, 118, 140, 107, 148, 109, 116, 108, 118, 140, 107, 148, 109, 108, 117, 102 }; 

        byte[] parameter_list = { 2, 2 };
        byte return_type = 2;
        bool need_storage = false;
        string name = "AdditionContractExample";
        string version = "1";
        string author = "chris";
        string email = "";
        string description = "This is an Addition Contract. It takes in 2 inputs, adds them and returns the result.";

        Blockchain.CreateContract(script, parameter_list, return_type, need_storage, name, version, author, email, description);
