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Last modified: Wed Sep 18 10:20:51 2024 +0800

StdLib Class

Provides a series methods of the native contract StdLib , which contract hash is 0xacce6fd80d44e1796aa0c2c625e9e4e0ce39efc0 .

Namespace: Neo.SmartContract.Framework.Native

Assembly: Neo.SmartContract.Framework


public static class StdLib


HashGets the contract hash


Serialize(object source)Serializes the object to byte array
Deserialize(ByteString source)Deserializes the byte array to object
JsonSerialize(object obj)Serializes the object to Json
JsonDeserialize(string json)Deserializes the Json to object
Base64Decode(string input)Decodes the Base64-encoded string into byte array
Base64Encode(ByteString input)Encodes the byte array into Base64 string
Base58Decode(string input)Decodes the Base58 encoded string into byte array
Base58Encode(ByteString input)Encodes the byte array into Base58 string
Base58CheckDecode(string input)Decodes the Base58Check encoded string into byte array
Base58CheckEncode(ByteString input)Encodes the byte array into Base58Check string
ItoaConverts the integer to string
Atoi(string value, int @base = 10)Converts the string to integer
MemoryCompare(ByteString, ByteString)If two arrays are the same, return 0; if array 1 is less than array 2, return a value less than 0; if array 1 is greater than array 2, return a value greater than 0
MemorySearchReturns the index of the first match of array 2 in array 1, or -1 if no match
StringSplitCreates an array of substrings by splitting the input string based on one or more delimiters